Aerosol Uses KNF Pump for Collecting Air Pollution Data
KNF pumps measuring fine particulates from the back of a Google Street View car

Google broke new ground in 2014 when it fitted Street View cars in the USA with instruments to analyze air pollution — making an already useful service twice as valuable. This approach is now being adopted in Europe, with two similarly equipped cars from Google’s fleet entering the pilot phase in Copenhagen. The back seat accommodates an analytical system which is produced by Aerosol d.o.o. and uses a KNF diaphragm gas pump.
There is still a great deal of debate around fine particulates, with more real-world data needed for an expert assessment of their causes and effects. Google’s approach promises to generate a treasure trove of data. A pair of Street View cars are already on the road collecting air pollution data in Copenhagen.

The cars have gained a new passenger: an aethalometer made by the Slovenian company Aerosol d.o.o., which is being used to measure black carbon levels in the Danish capital. The instrument, sold under the brand name Magee Scientific, is fitted with a diaphragm gas pump from KNF’s N 86 series. This will be used to transfer a pre-defined volume of ambient air to the instrument’s analytics unit.
KNF drew on the flexibility of its modular system and production engineering to ensure its pump was suitable for the measuring instrument. All relevant parameters were tailored to meet the customer’s needs and installing the pump in the measuring instruments was made quick and easy thanks to specially adapted plugs and sockets.