
Roman Bosshart: 30 Years With KNF Neuberger AG – a Look Back at a Successful Career

After three decades with KNF Neuberger AG, Roman Bosshart is taking a well-deserved retirement. We spoke to him about his time at the company, the changes it has undergone and his plans for the future.

Roman Bosshart can look back on a successful 30-year career with KNF.

Diaphragm pumps have been in the hands of Roman Bosshart for more than 30 years. He knows KNF products down to the last detail. His passion for customized diaphragm pumps and his technical know-how have had a decisive influence on the company and contributed significantly to its success. In addition to his professional expertise, his colleagues appreciate his humanity and team spirit. In this interview, he looks back on his time at KNF and shares his personal experiences, thoughts and plans for his well-deserved retirement.

How does it feel to look back on 30 years with KNF Neuberger AG?

“During my time at KNF I was able to gain many interesting experiences. One of the highlights was the opportunity to support our KNF colleagues in the USA during assembly. This gave me the opportunity to get to know other countries and work cultures. It was also impressive to witness the growth of the entire KNF Group and to be involved in numerous innovations. I am proud to have been a part of this.”

What was your first job when you joined KNF and how has it changed?

"My first job at KNF was basically the same as it is today: repair and assembly. Over the years, however, additional tasks were added, such as logistics or managing incoming and outgoing goods. Thanks to our dedicated manufacturing team, we were always able to act flexibly and quickly find innovative solutions to short-term challenges. For me personally, this variety has always been a welcome addition to my main responsibilities.”

How do you think the culture has changed since you joined?

“The corporate culture has always been very familiar and has evolved over the years to reflect the modern work culture. At KNF, all employees, from the CEO to production, are on an equal footing and open communication is valued. This is also reflected in the team spirit.”

How have technology and innovation influenced your work at KNF Neuberger AG?

“One of the biggest influences on my work has been the increasing integration of electronic components around diaphragm pumps. Starting with electronic vacuum controllers for the LABOPORT® series, this has expanded to include parameterizable motors and groundbreaking digital solutions. While the basic and timeless technology of the diaphragm pump has not changed much to this day, the technical implementation options have evolved considerably.”

What are your retirement plans?

“I have so much planned for my retirement that I almost run out of time. I have several temporary jobs lined up, including working at a local winery or a cable car on the weekends. If there is time left over, I will enjoy my other hobbies. These include mountain biking in the countryside or photography on my next vacation. So I definitely don't get bored.”

We would like to thank Roman Bosshart for his many years of loyalty and wish him all the best in his retirement. We will miss his experience and dedication, but we are sure that he will achieve great things in his new phase of life.


See you, Roman!

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