KNF 隔膜泵技术是咖啡机的关键部件

在世界各地,咖啡都是人们早晨的首选饮品。KNF 泵是提供咖啡爱好者开始一天生活的关键部件。

 咖啡是全世界人们最喜爱的晨间饮品。无论是冰咖啡还是热咖啡,意式浓缩还是美式,一杯提神的咖啡都是一天中不可或缺的一部分。有那么多爱喝咖啡的人,咖啡机在各地大受欢迎也就不足为奇了。随着这些机器的复杂程度越来越高,它们就需要依靠优质的部件来制造优质的产品。KNF 隔膜泵通常是这些系统的重要组成部分。 

Diaphragm Gas Pumps Essential for Optimal Milk Frothing and Dispensing

Coffee machines have continued to evolve, offering more options than ever before. New super automatic machines test the limits of what kinds of drinks are possible while also allowing for placement in just about any environment. Many of these machines are responsible for creating hundreds, or even thousands, of cups of coffee every day. Most, if not all, of these machines need to froth or dispense milk in some capacity.


Many coffee machines have some sort of apparatus for frothing milk. Typically, these systems combine steam and induced air into a vessel containing the milk until it is at the correct temperature and consistency. Even for drinks that don’t require frothing, machines still need to be able to properly transport and add milk to drinks in appropriate amounts. 

High Demands on Coffee Machine Components

While performance is important, it is also critical that pumps in coffee machines are made with appropriate materials. KNF pumps can be built with FDA-approved materials, which is essential for components  in direct contact with food or beverages..Use of food grade materials is often required in beverage applications, and coffee machines are no exception. The pumps must also be reliable to maintain consistent and continuous operations.

NMP 830, NPK Series are Strong Choices for Coffee Machines

KNF’s NMP 830 is a customizable diaphragm gas pump with proven success in coffee machine applications. Depending on the customization, it can achieve a maximum flow rate of 5 l/min with maximum pressure of 2.5 bar (rel.). It is available with a PTFE coated diaphragm, making it appropriate for use in food and beverage applications. The NMP 830 offers quiet operation, excellent reliability and provides the long service life demanded by coffee machines.


For higher pressure operations, the NPK series is an outstanding option available with a PTFE piston sealing. These pumps can deliver a maximum flow rate of up to 8 l/min while offering maximum pressure more than 7 bar (rel.). This  pump series offers optimal performance and excellent reliability in compact size.  


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