KNF Laboratory Equipment is launching the next generation of the well proven Laboport range of pumps.
JASIS 2023 - Japan Analytical & Scientific Instruments Show

We believe that people can live their lifestyles due to various scientific advances.
JASIS is a cutting-edge scientific and analytical systems and solutions exhibition that gathers together analytical and scientific instrument manufacturers and dealers that support the advancement of science.
As an exhibition featuring everything from entry to exit points for various types of analysis and measurement, JASIS is Asia’s largest analysis and measurement-related exhibition alongside analytica in Europe and Pittcon in the United States.
The numbers of visitors and exhibitors for JASIS 2022 both increased significantly. As Asia’s largest exhibition in this field, we aim to be a place for contributions to future scientific advances and the discovery of business development.
Comming soon
KNF Sales Team
KNF Japan Co., Ltd.