The KNF Leitbild
Known in German as a Leitbild, a company’s set of values acts as a modern compass for global operations. A Leitbild describes a company’s basic principles, self-image and objectives. Internally, it serves as a compass providing guidance to all staff members, while externally, it shares a company’s corporate culture with customers and the general public. And it is an integral part of the strategic planning used to steer a company’s future course.
What do we stand for, what do we want to achieve and how do we want to achieve it? The answers to these questions are used to formulate KNF’s set of values.
The KNF Leitbild was developed jointly by KNF’s general managers and executive staff in 2004. Written by 45 people, the wording has remained unchanged to this very day. When writing such a text, it is important for international companies like KNF to emphasize what their individual company parts have in common. It was a pleasant surprise to discover all the similarities shared across the different countries and cultures within the KNF Group.
It is also crucial to afford individual companies sufficient freedom and flexibility when making their own decisions on the basis of the principles laid down. After all, a company is a living organism that grows, learns and adapts so that it stays young, fresh and fit for the future.

In 2016, KNF’s executive staff scrutinized the Leitbild to see whether it was still applied, to look into what had changed and to see whether any updates were needed. The Leitbild passed the rigorous review with flying colors. But it is important to remember that everything is in a constant state of flux and companies are forever changing with the times. This is why an effective Leitbild also continually requires new and fresh momentum so that it endures and remains relevant.
After the Leitbild was introduced, KNF placed responsibility for it into the hands of its general managers. Each company has the freedom to choose how to implement it and bring it to life. As put by Martin Becker, “Following a Leitbild is like sailing, not like traveling along a railway track.”
Due to different cultural and social codes, the conventions observed when communicating with customers in Japan, for instance, contrast starkly with those followed in Europe or the USA. This example shows why it is important for KNF Japan to find its own way to put the Leitbild into practice. During a Leitbild conference, participants discuss this and other similar issues, and ensure greater acceptance of local conditions among everyone involved. This makes it easier to strike a balance between individual interests on the road to achieving a common objective.
In the words of Martin Becker, “As a binding, global set of values for the KNF Group, the Leitbild must not only form the basis of all of our actions, but must also be used to lay the foundations for our KNF 2025 strategy.”
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