Patrick & KNF

As the Head of Production, I have a broad range of responsibilities. This includes Manufacturing and Assembly, Production Planning, Production Technology, Logistics and of course, strategic key tasks such as production control, timing analysis or our CIP processes. In total, our Production Team is made up of 100 people, and I work closely with my Team Leaders.

Responsibility and varied tasks are what make a job really appealing to me and are what shaped my day-to-day work life long before I started at KNF. Something new for me is the respect with which people treat each other here. That’s something I had never experienced to the same extent in previous jobs. That helped me feel at home after just a few weeks.

KNF is feeling at home.


I’m very happy at KNF. I have a one hour commute to work every morning and don’t regret a single minute of it. Interpersonal communication here is something I particularly value. Should problems arise, these are discussed constructively and resolved together. And we do it as a team. Here I have very talented colleagues and managers from whom I still want to learn a lot.

Patrick Furtwängler
Head of Production

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KNF Neuberger GmbH