Brainstorming session: The KNF Group Board discuss the best strategy for the future success of the company.

KNF Global Strategies

Maintaining our strategic direction and growth – always with the end goal in mind

To quote the philosopher Lao Tzu, “Only he who knows his destination finds the way.” As a technological pioneer and market leader across many sectors, a company like KNF must set itself ambitious goals in order to guarantee its future success.

So how do we define and maintain the strategic direction for the whole KNF Group? The answer: the KNF 2025 strategy – our road map for success. This document sets out our shared objectives across our many different markets, identifies ways to capitalize on opportunities around the world and defines how we continue to grow as a company. However, strategy alone is not enough: If we’re going to coordinate the many different strategic elements and implement them successfully, efficiently and flexibly across all 24 KNF companies worldwide, then we need a command center.

Thus, the KNF Group Board is created. The Board operates as part of KNF’s international holding company, KNF Holding, and its five members are responsible for overseeing the strategic management of the whole KNF Group. As CEO, Martin Becker chairs the Board.

The KNF Group Board defines the overall strategic framework, within which the 24 independent companies of the KNF Group are free to make their own operational decisions. This ensures that the KNF Leitbild and the bigger picture are always kept in clear view, without compromising individual responsibility, creativity and flexibility at a local level. The Group as a whole follows a single clear and uniform strategic path, but the individual companies are free to make specific decisions to achieve success and and satisfying work.

Originally, the members of the KNF Group Board continued to fulfill their existing roles alongside their board duties, but they now work solely for KNF Holding. In 2013, the Group Board becomes a company in its own right under the name KNF Global Strategies AG, which is established in Switzerland.

KNF founds Global Strategies AG in 2013. Since then, the KNF Group Board has been established on one floor of this modern building in Sursee, Switzerland.
KNF founds Global Strategies AG in 2013. Since then, the KNF Group Board has been established on one floor of this modern building in Sursee, Switzerland.

Many of the decisions impact on the entire KNF Group. For instance, in the age of globalization, it has become increasingly important for all KNF companies to maintain a uniform online presence around the world. That means strengthening the Group’s corporate identity by always using the logo, color schemes and design features in a consistent way.

Another of many new developments at Group level is the appointment of specialist technical managers. Their role is to support the local sales engineers with their technical expertise in order to significantly improve customer service, and also to ensure that the benefits of the modular system are reaped to their fullest.

One member of the Group Board serves on the advisory board at each of the KNF companies. In addition to its controlling function, the advisory board’s primary role is strategic planning. After all, it’s only when you know your destination that you can find the route to success.

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